Discovering the World of Canadian Cigar Enthusiasts with Justin Burden

Smoke Master Cigars
2 min readJun 24, 2024


At Smoke Master Cigars, we had the pleasure of hosting Justin Burden, one of the founders of the largest online cigar community in Canada, Canadian Cigar Enthusiasts (CCE). This incredible group is a hub for passionate cigar smokers to bond, share insights, and participate in some of the best Canadian cigar events. Here’s a closer look at our conversation with Justin.

The Birth of Canadian Cigar Enthusiasts

CCE started as a small group but quickly grew into the largest online cigar community in Canada. Justin and his peers created this space to discover new cigars, meet fellow enthusiasts, and share their passion. “Discovering new cigars and getting people’s insights is essential because cigars are such a deep and extensive topic,” says Justin. The community’s growth over the past eight years highlights its success in connecting Canadian cigar lovers.

Engagement and Interaction through Cigar Exchanges

One of the unique aspects of CCE is the “Trick or Treat” program, an old-school cigar exchange that fosters interaction between members. Whether they know each other personally or only through Facebook, members get to send and receive boxes filled with cigars, a small bottle of booze, and cigar accessories. This program not only adds a fun element but also strengthens the bonds within the community.

The Allure of Cigar Diversity

When asked about his favorite cigar, Justin shared that his preference changes periodically. He emphasizes that once a certain quality benchmark is passed, cigars offer different options rather than being better or worse. Currently, he enjoys Oliva Serie V, particularly the 2014 award-winning Melanio. The consistent quality and smoking experience of Oliva cigars, thanks to their extensive quality control, make them a favorite among many enthusiasts.

Exciting Collaborations and Future Projects

CCE isn’t just about cigars; it’s becoming a lifestyle brand with numerous collaborations. Justin mentioned partnerships with Stogies and Doggies, Happy Dad, and Dugout Mugs, which help broaden the community’s appeal to younger generations and beyond. These collaborations also involve charitable initiatives, like donating proceeds from events, enhancing CCE’s impact and reach.

Our conversation with Justin Burden revealed the vibrant and dynamic world of Canadian Cigar Enthusiasts. From discovering new cigars to participating in fun exchanges and collaborations, CCE offers a rich and engaging experience for all its members. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to cigars, there’s something for everyone in this community.

For a deeper dive into our discussion, watch the entire podcast:

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Smoke Master Cigars
Smoke Master Cigars

Written by Smoke Master Cigars

Smoke Master Cigars, Ontario's premier online cigar retailer, offers 70+ brands and hundreds of cigars. Discover the finest selection in the Niagara Region!

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